
7 Winter Skin Care Tips

7 Winter Skin Care Tips

The holidays may be merry and bright, but for your skin, winter can be a bit of a grinch. Colder temperatures, biting winds, and cozy nights by the fire can all leave your once-radiant complexion dull, dry, and flaky. With a few simple tweaks to your routine, you can keep your skin glowing even amidst the frosty weather.


Winter's biting winds and dry air can sap your skin's moisture, leaving it feeling tight, flaky, and dull. To combat this, consistent moisturizing is your secret weapon. 


Ditch your lightweight summer lotion and embrace a richer, creamier formula. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, shea butter, and ceramides – these attract and hold moisture, keeping your skin plump and hydrated. Apply generously after cleansing, both morning and night, don't forget those often-neglected areas like neck, hands, knees, and elbows. Natural ingredients like aloe vera, shea butter, and coconut oil can be great alternatives to harsh chemicals.


Boost your moisture routine weekly with an overnight hydrating mask. Think of it as a deep-conditioning treatment. Apply a thick layer before bed and let it work its magic while you sleep. Wake up to skin that feels dewy and refreshed!


By making consistent moisturizing a winter habit, you'll shield your skin from the harsh elements and keep it glowing all season long.

Gentle Cleansing is Key

Hot water and hard soaps can further deplete your skin's natural oils, leaving it feeling tight and irritated. Opt for lukewarm water and gentle, fragrance-free cleansers. 


For your face, creamy formulas or oil-based cleansers work wonders. Massage the product gently, avoiding harsh scrubbing. As for your body, avoid the hard soaps. Body washes are gentler, often packed with moisturizing agents like glycerin and shea butter. They cleanse without drying the skin, making it feel soft.  


Exfoliation is important all year round, but even more so in winter, when dead skin cells can build up and make your skin look dull and rough. However, ditch the rough scrubs and loofahs – they're too harsh for winter's already stressed skin. Choose a gentle exfoliating cream or a chemical exfoliant with lactic or glycolic acid. These will gently remove dead skin cells without causing irritation, leaving your complexion smooth and ready to soak up that precious moisture.


Regular exfoliation in winter unlocks several benefits, including it helps moisturizer to penetrate better, enhances glow, prevents flaking, and improves product absorption. Start slow, once or twice a week, and adjust based on your skin's sensitivity. Over-exfoliating can be counterproductive, so listen to your skin.


Just because the sun hides behind clouds doesn't mean its harmful UV rays aren't lurking. Winter sunshine can still damage your skin, leading to wrinkles, sunspots, and even skin cancer. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every single day, even on cloudy days. Look for lightweight, oil-free formulas that won't feel greasy under your winter layers.

Opt for warm, not hot showers

While a steaming hot shower may be tempting in cold weather, it can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness. Choose luke warm water instead and limit your shower time to avoid over-drying your skin. After showering, pat your skin dry rather than rubbing vigorously, and apply moisturizer while your skin is still slightly damp for maximum hydration.


Ensuring well-hydrated skin during winter is essential. As the air becomes drier, the body requires increased water intake to offset the moisture loss. Aim to consume a minimum of eight glasses of water daily to nourish your skin from within. Additionally, incorporating hydrating elements like herbal teas and water-rich foods such as cucumbers and oatmeal contributes to overall hydration. Remember, a well-hydrated skin not only looks better but also feels better, ensuring your overall well-being during the winter months.

Lip Care

Taking care of your lips is crucial during winter, when they can easily become dry and chapped. To keep your lips soft and plump, use a good lip balm regularly. Choose balms with ingredients like beeswax, shea butter, or petroleum jelly as they create a protective layer, preventing your lips from losing moisture. It's a good idea to keep a lip balm in your bag or pocket so you can reapply it whenever needed throughout the day. By making this a simple habit, you'll shield your lips from the harsh effects of winter, ensuring they stay soft and comfortable. 


By consistently moisturizing with richer formulas, practicing gentle cleansing, incorporating regular but gentle exfoliation, applying sunscreen, opting for warm showers, staying well-hydrated, and giving our lips the care they deserve, we can protect our skin from this harsh weather. Remember, the key to a healthy winter glow lies in adopting these simple habits as part of your daily routine. With a little extra attention and care, you can ensure that your skin remains hydrated, glowing, and soft throughout the winter months. 


While these tips are your winter skin care essentials, sometimes a little extra pampering is all it takes to truly radiate. At Bombay Salon & Spa, we have a list of facial treatments that deeply nourish, hydrate, and restore your radiance. Check out the prices for our list of facials here.